Only a Memory…

In a world of pain I have no peer
You fade away and disappear
And now I have to learn the game
Where no one wins or takes the blame
But it’s…

While writing up an announcement for the upcoming Mighty Jungle Homecoming, I noticed the ongoing 12 Q Challenge. YHC realized he still needed 7 more Qs to qualify and today was the first of 1-a-week Qs for the next 7 weeks (you can find me next week at Hollywood).

THE PAGES OF MY MIND (the memories still linger)

I was one of the first to buy the official F3 card deck, but aside from the amazing artwork and waterproof materials, I thought it could be improved upon. So I set out to create a Kickstarter set of my own, this one suitable for a game of Memory as well. Cards are broken up into warm up exercises, block/bell reps, traditional bootcamp exercises and MARY. This morning we started off with 6 pairs of CoP cards to get used to the idea of using our brains at the same time as our brawn. When all 6 pairs were uncovered, we moved on to the main deck consisting of 17 pairs of mixed bell/bodyweight exercises.


The goal of the morning was to complete matches. When 2 non-matching cards were turned over, we would complete the exercises listed on each and then turn them back over. The next particpant would repeato, always on the lookout for a match. If a match was drawn, we would do the (doubled) reps of that exercise, but then remove the set from the grid. At best you would do a set of each of 17 exercises. At worst? Well, we found out the hard way.

As a former GoRuck participant, I had thought of several “strategies” beforehand for approaching this workout as a team. Unfortunately not many of my ideas were applied. Rocket started us out by choosing 2 random cards in the 7×5 grid. It got uglier from there. We did several rounds of dips and more that our fair share of merkins. Unsurprisingly, the pax collectively made note of where the burpees and mosey cards were and didn’t draw those again. I believe Madden24 and TheForce were the only two to complete more than one pair in a single turn.

We ran out of time before completing the full set and so we missed out on the bonus MARY round. But we did knockout a few sets of Jane Fondas since I am so fond-a her. No car was won today, and I was unable to get a print deal in place so that particpants could have a copy of the home game. But despite all the mumblechatter, I think the game was fairly well received; F3/LKN can expect to see a repeato of this at a future workout.

SEA OF LOVE (do you remember?)

  • Kudos to my 2.0 for accepting my challenge yesterday and posting with me this morning. Always a feel good moment for a proud dad
  • Let’s not forget the #standard bearers: Ultraman, Lawn Dart and Frogger (did I *remember* right?)
  • After shaming Knockout last week at MightyJungle, he makes a triumphant return to a weekday workout. Here’s hoping he gets back in the (kettlebell) swing of things
  • The Force was kind enough to bring water for everyone. Then the Q took us to the far end of the AO leaving the water behind #oopsies
  • Rocket kept referring to the dips as the “blackbeards” — considering how often we did them, I can only assume he enjoys having me around
  • GnarlyGoat wandered down from the lake to hobknob with the less fortunate men of Huntersville; I think he was preparing himself for a Q at the rescue mission this weekend #tclaps
  • Prayers for Mona’s wife as she goes to the doc for a prenatal checkup (no, not a paternity test as some suggested)
  • Seriously, someone needs to get Frontier on their next #CSAUP run; the guy led on every trip around the lot
  • Cobains to Topgun for leaving the tunes at home – I didn’t want to plagiarize his routine
  • When we would run around the lot, Frogger and Topgun remained behind and yet not once did they memorize the deck – such a fine line between integrity and stupidity #HIM

Thoughts about the custom deck? Should I get a Kickstarter campaign going? Or is it just kindling for the next backyard fire? Let me know in the comments!

