Property  values surged unexpectedly this morning in Race City  when Duvall and his 21 other merry men came across the tracks.  The operation was called capture the flag although with the fish net shirt and bowties we could've lost the L in flag. The operation started with a gentle mosey to the parking lot, when they arrived they did a series of exercises and to the best of my knowledge it went like this.


 Side straddle hops  in cadence x 15 

 Cotton pickers  in cadence x 10 

 Windmills in cadence X 10 

The Thang:  mosey to the field where YHC  had strategically placed three large tires, three slosh pipes,  and six sandbags all positioned around one set of stairs. YHC  was a little rattled by the turn out and had to improvise on the fly. YHC  would do his best to not let the mumble chatter creep in. Here is what was accomplished.


Group 1 suicides across the field

Group 2 tire flips 

Group 3 slosh pipe lunge walk

Group 4  run the stairs

Group 5 farmer carry sandbags 

Group 6 dips on the bench

 Group 7 Mary 

 Group 8 suicides across the field 

  The clock was set at three minutes for each station as we filtered through as many rounds as possible.  Some gave all Dallas gave nothing.  Lots of mumble chatter was had about the timing  YHC  says Time flies when you're having fun .we were getting ready to mosey back to the AO  when somebody asked for more suicides,  being a good Q I motion the PAX  to the baseline on the soccer field.  Jack Webb suicides X7 was performed with a lot of whining and complaining.

 Mosey back to the parking lot where we circled up around the flag . Here's where the peoples Republic lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. All in all operation capture the flag was  a success.  The peoples Republic shovel flag is once again hole and home in the elitist city of Davidson. Your humble Q  was so thankful for the turn out, I couldn't be prouder to be part of the F3.  Where else can an overgrown 36-year-old gorilla act like a child and not be fussed at.  I will continue to look for opportunities to play pranks and games in an effort to keep us young and alive.  Add report show at about 6:40 AM the property values dropped to normal pricing. Man hands out. ( there were a few names not on Slack, I had a glitch with the recording please let me know who I've missed)