Operation Covered Bridge with Painstations

YHC provided fair warning in the pre-blast that there would be a mosey to the covered bridge wiht pain stations and was delighted to have 11 other brave souls join him for the party we call Fission.

The following is a general recap of what I remember happening and written for brevity.  Please add your thoughts or comments to correct or add anything missing here.

After a quick disclaimer, PAX moseyed behind HT and performed the normal cirlce of warm-a-rama Toy Soldiers, Windmill, IST's, SSH, Mountain Climbers and Slow Squats were performed.  Inspired by a recent "call-out" by the Nation's Nantan that F3 is soft, YHC went with 101 SSH's IC, a count inspired by our very own Soprano who normally leads with 100. One additional SSH was added just to keep the PAX guessing. 

After a few compaints, mosey towards trailhead which leads to covered bridge, stopping on the street for some Rocky Balboas, Incline and Decline Merkins.

Mosey down trail leading to covered bridge, stopping along the way for squats and calf raises.

After arriving at covered bridge, more Rocky Balboas were performed. Two lines formed at covered bridge, each line performing walking lunges up and back.

Mosey back on trail and stopping along the way a few times for WWII's situps and calf raises.

Stop one more time just past the trailhead, stopping again at the street for more Rocky Balboas.

Mosey back to starting point for MARY, including LBC's, Low Dollies, Pretzel Crunch

Recover Recover


  • In preparing to mosey back from the covered bridge, YHC heard a comment about taking the short cut back but wanted PAX to get their money's worth this AM
  • Lots of complaints this morning about the 101 SSH's IC.  YHC enjoys the complaints and cares about each man's fitness by pushing the limits, not to mention extra black coffee consumed prior to arriving at Fission for extra energy
  • Cousin Eddie, like clockwork, ran the standard.
  • Great seeing Spreader this AM as YHC remembers seeing him a bunch over the years to the office
  • Immediate "Jeep Envy" as Dingo, his 2.0 Sutton, and Spreader emerged in the gloom in the sweet 4 door white Jeep.
  • BagBoy making a cameo appearance as Special Sauce this morning in name-a-rama
  • Thanks to 9-lives for taking us out in prayer, praying for Ruth (BagBoy's friend), JB's friend Nate, and healing and comfort to the families who lost loved ones in the tragic events this week.
  • Great discussion at coffeeteria with Cousin Eddie, 9-Lives, YHC, and Jersey Boy

YHC continues to be inspired by each man who shows up at Fission in the gloom and counts it an honor and privilege to lead this fine group of men this AM.  Thanks to all who showed up this morning and chose to accelerate your "King" (fitness)

Humbly in Christ,
