Opposites Attract

Event Date

Jan 27, 2017

Wild Thang was there too – sign up brother so I can tag you!


Arm Circles Large and Small. Both Directions

Cotton Pickers

Long Stretches on Hams, Quads, Runner's Stretch (In honor of SVU brothers "running for fun."

The Thang:

75 Kettle Bell Swings OYO

Supersets of: 

10 IC Thrusters/Ribbon

10 IC Decline Mercans/Suitcase Swings

10 IC Gobblet Curls/Skull Crushers


10 IC Gobblet Squats/5 IC Single Arm Curl

10 IC Mercans/Alternating Swings

10 IC Shoulder Toss/Skull Crushers (Dips were a flop)

Breathe again

10 IC Figure 8 Squats/15 Cannon ball Curb Press Pull (Need help naming this one…)

10 IC Lawnmowers each arm/Curl to Swimmers Press

10 IC Curls/Sidewinder – Forgot to do this one!

Breathe once more

10 IC Squat High Pull/American KBS

10 IC Around the world each direction/Overead C

10 IC Goblet Press/ 15 Halos

Cash Out: 2 Minutes: 75 Russian KBS OYO


Genesis 3:15  And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. From the beginning, there was opposition in all things, whether it was from outside influences or the use of our own agency. God doesn't allow us to receive more than we can bare and we are promised, from the beginning of the world, that we will have power over sin. When we falter we can be forgiven, rise up, and be a new man each day. 


  • Glad that Zipplock asked about the workout – almost used an ankle that looks like it was caught in an SVU bear mink trap as an excuse to fartsack and "heal."
  • Disclaimer included: DO NOT lick your kettle bells. Safety First!!! 
  • Excited to see Wild Thang pull in this morning. He started with a 25# bell but I have a feeling that he will be moving up quickly.
  • One of the Pax invented a new move called "The Parrot." When doing a move, rest the bell on your shoulder and continue the 4 count as if you are still working. It's harder than it looks. Almost.
  • This is becoming a good habbit – KBs on Fridays. It's fun, heavy work, lots of sweat – even in subarctic temperatures. Would like to see others out. Once the foot heals I'll bring out the battle ropes. I have a 50 footer – let me know if you want me to bring them to a workout that you Q.