The Thang – 18 PAX for the convergence
Warm Up
- Airsquats
- Windmill
- Mosey
- Cotton Picker
- Bear Crawl
- Split leg wind mill
- Crab Walk
- Split leg Wind Mill, other leg
- Inch worm push ups
Main set
- Pull up / push up ladder
- Calve Raise / Bar Hang 3 times
- Burpee / Freddie Mercury ladder
- Mosey back to the bricks
- Lower Bicep curls
- Skull Crusher
- Upper Bicep curls
- chest press
- Full Bicep curls
- press ups
- shoulder press
- Static lung with brick
- Stretching
- Oblique V-ups, Jane Fonda leg lifts
- Flutter until the bells ring
The Moleskin
- Tupperware and Rubbermaid came all the way from Waxaw to recruit an FNG
- Jane fonda leg lifts seem to be Uncle Rico's only weakness