Options a plenty at Gaga

18 pax with options – with promised low dewpoint



Who needs that ?  Kachow, Garcia, Beetlejuice (I think that's all) rolled in from somewhere…probably a 10 mile stroll.


Option 1 – 6 miles of  K01ogeL (That's Lego10K in reverse for those of you who it confused) led by Mr. Big Montana. 


Option 2 – 12×400's on the "Get ya some Gaga" segment.  Target 5K to 10K pace (no one stuck to that).


Recover recover



  • Appreciate the support.  Seeing big numbers at Gaga is awesome, especially post BRR.
  • Planning to keep options open with an EZ 6 to 8 mile option and a speed or tempo option each week.  I will be looking for Q help each week from someone to lead the "EZ" option.
  • Lego's hammy is safe.  The 54s "Get ya some Gaga" segment is still alive.
  • Prayers up for all of those affected by Florence, lots of rebuilding to do, and rivers that haven't crested yet.  
  • Shout out to Big Montana on leading the EZ pace option today.