Organized Chaos

Event Date

Oct 15, 2022

So I signed up to Q, but designed it a little differently this time.  Usually I get an idea in my head then gather the items needed.  This time, I loaded everything I had in my garage into the trunk, then came up with something to do that would include most all of it. 

Workout went down like this.

Warmup: 10 IC SSH, 10 Windmills, and 10 IST


Mosey to the benches at the tennis courts to work our chest a little bit.  Using the benches we did 10 declined merkins, 10 regular merkins, then 10 inclined merkins.  All OYO. 

The Q played a song called "It's not over yet", and we did squats for the duration, throwing in a jump squat every time we hear "It's not over yet" sang.  This is something I had to dig back up because Clark (who was not present today had mentioned me doing in the past).  

Then we mosey to the top of the parking lot where I had all the garage junk set out in a small circle circuit.  Stations were: 

Jump rope, together rope slams, halos (around the world), weighted squats, alternating rope slams, side and front arm raises, and the last station was the timer with a different item each round.  Variations were 10 burpees, short run, down/up hill run, 20 LBC, 5 burpee, and 15 WWI situps (up hill!).  Once this position finished you ring the cow bell, and we rotate.  

Here is where the Organized Chaos title comes into play.  With an established group of PAX, audibles were called along the way, with just a couple quick barks (squeaks) from the Q.  Everyone just seemed to know what to do, we rolled threw some serious shoulder and cardio work today.  We don't often target shoulders and I think everyone felt it.  It turned out to be a pretty good beat down.  (But hey, I'm a little bias).  We stayed at it pretty steadily until the last minute.  I have not idea how may rounds we cranked out, but it went well.  PAX took various times at the "timer" position which made some rounds go quick, some painfully long.


Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” – Galatians 6:2

The law of Christ? = To love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and strength AND to love our neighbors as much as we love ourselves.

This scripture says that we fulfill this law when we choose to come alongside and help carry the burdens of the people around us. We help ease the burdens of others when we choose kindness, mercy, and generosity. It happens as we take time to listen, to pray, and to help. No one is meant to walk through this life alone, and each of us can play a role in helping to make someone’s burden lighter.

Wrap up:

We did namorama and prayed it out, and PAX helped me load up the car.

Moleskin/Mumble Chatter:

  • There was plenty ot that to be had today.  Started with Sonar's glowing/brightness today, in may ways.
  • PAX began haggling the Q right away.
  • Ziploc starts a trend of rolling the ball downhill then chasing after it.
  • Jokes were had, music was played, but we worked pretty hard.
  • Little kids football was showing up during our beatdown, luckily we chose a spot out of the way (closer to the road).  So we had road spectators as well as parking lot spectators.
  • Still don't have the shovel flag present.  This must get back in place!
  • Turnout was solid, but would always love to see more.  Miss seeing so may guys out there.
  • There was so much more, but this should do for documentation sake.

Always a pleasure to lead!
