OTB at Salty Caper

Event Date

Aug 03, 2018



5 burpees


5 burpees

Windmill-10 IC

5 burpees 

Cotton pickers-10 IC

5 burpees

10 merkins IC

Lap around the fountain

Tried merkin climbers vetoed out of that 

25 curls IC

20 skull crushers IC

Lap around the fountain

Squats with bell 

20 step ups each leg with bell

Lap around the fountain 

Grabbed our bells and walked to the road

Lung walked to the light pole

5 jack webbs

Zamboreen back and 5 burpees 

Duck walked back to the light pole 

10 monkey humpers 

Ran back and 5 burpees 

Quadriphilla back to the light pole 

10 jump squats 

Ran back and chicken little led us in air squarred

Bolt 60s 

Followed by more curls and skull crushers. 


Lunges 10 each leg 

Monkey humpers 10 IC

Finished with each pax choosing a Mary exercise 


Hurdle- flutter press

Chicken little- sweat Angel

Pink slip-low dolly

Private pile- box cutter

Nymph-mac tar Shea