OTB – BRR Training Denver of the East

Event Date

Jul 02, 2018



5 out of 9 Denver of the East BRR team members showed up this morning for the 1st team run for 2018 BRR.  They instantly regretted it when they walked outside and immediately began sweating.

Vortex walks out to Burton at 0515, already drenched in sweat, to meet GW for some extra credit.  We swapped pain stories after yesterdays double climb of Anderson Mtn.  Abrams was a little peeved we did it without him.  We'll definitely do it again before the race.

We stroll into SVU at 0525 to see vacation boy, Abrams, trotting up the street.  He really missed us!

Met up with Skipper at 0530 and waited to see if Blart or Cropduster would show.  They were smart enough to stay home in the A/C.  We took off on a diamond rio to meet Dandelion.  Headed down McConnell and hit most of the cul de sucks.  Skipper kept trying to keep pace with GW…which forced a stop at the portapotty at the back entrance to SVU. Two pounds of cheap mexican food is not a good idea the night before.

We circled back around to the front entrance to SVU then back to Westcape.  Everyone got 5-10 miles in and lost 8-10lbs of water weight.

Have a great week,