Total cyclists: 23! Total Runners: 17. $5.00 to the cause from the runners to the riders.

Also present, but not included above. Tin Man, Ricky Bobby, Pee Wee, P-Diddy, Creme Puff, FNG Le Domestique

Please acknowledge that I just rattled those off without a COT (which we will get to later).

This might have been our highest showing yet. The ride was quickly, and I mean quickly, broken into 3 groups. What was intended to a "grouping by mileage" was almost immediately turned in to a "grouping by class" as Chamois, Ricky Bobby & Smokey took off for Le Tour. We will never know what happened on their ride, but according to Strava it was fast. It should be worth noting that Ricky Bobby joined us on his gravel bike and Smokey joined us after completing 31 prior to 6AM. 

A few notes:

1. Remember to call out the "junk" in the road audibly even if you cannot point. Not sure what the proper etiquette is, but I personally could have saved Zamboni from spending his Sunday buying a new set of hoops. Glad Zamboni is OK and ended up only with a dented rim. 

2. Be sure to ask Creeper the difference between Di2 and Shimano 105. Specifically, what it feels like. He will be happy to share. 

3. Need to start incorporating the COT into our weekly rides. Maybe we get a pass for Sunday's OTB, but if we are organizing a ride the night prior and introducing new riders to F3 via the bike, we are missing an opportunity and perhaps even diluting the F3 experience. I am putting it out there as an HC to include a formal COT after my weekday rides. Can someone step up to cover your rolling AO this week?

4. Don't let Duvall's, "I'd rather be running" charades fool you. Duvall can drop the hammer when he wants to and proved it by trolling us all weekend with Strava screenshots showing his segments over the years. It was great to have him out and in all sincerity, we missed him and need him in the mix. He is a key part of the growth, interest, and enjoyment of riding in 3 and I hope he continues to join. I mean, the dude EH's Devo into F3 AND introduced him to Cycling. He is the F3 Gears OG of TPR and is welcome at any time in any attire. 






