Our Very Own Kip Litton

Event Date

Jun 29, 2018


Yes, this is an #bb for #odyssey – thanks to Tagless who proved that running workouts can in fact post #bb, pressure from Blackbeard and shaming emails from Turnpike – it's time for the MQ to give credit to those who post at #odyssey

Welcome to Jay, now known as Kip, FNG second post – Kip is signed up for 3 marathons (Chicago, Marine Corp, and Berlin), named after the famous Kip Litton, if you're not familiar with Kip Litton's claim to fame, click: http://www.running-down.com/2012/09/the-genius-of-kip-litton.html

Honey Bee arrived most prepared without a shirt and sweaty (claims he ran from his home), we launched, we ran, we finished.  Pax stayed together for the most part through the run and for coffee, great 2nd F showing as usual.

Upcoming events:

T-Bone's Fishing Tournament – Who's the most macho?  see #pb, sign-up now, BBQ , raffle, swimming after, 2.0's welcome

American 4 Miler, Speed for Need will have 8 chairs – great cause / opportunity to make a difference

Tuesday evening double downs – Hall Monitor Q'ing next week, recovery drinks on tap