Out Cold is out

Out Cold asked for some assistance as he is on baby duty. I hadn’t led a cauldron Q since January so I figured it was time to step up.

we started off with a slow mosey to the corner followed by a nice warmup consisting of:

  • 10 SSH in cadence
  • 10 lunges each leg
  • 10 SSH in cadence
  • 10 inchworms
  • 10 SSH in cadence
  • 10 IST
  • 10 SSH in cadence
  • 10 toy soldiers
  • 10 SSH in cadence

Zamporini to the bottom of the deck, line up.

we will do 10 of each exercise IC then run up 1 full ramp and come down the stairs
exercises were: curls, shoulder press, skull crusher, squats. Repeato at your own pace!

to finish off our legs we moved to the outside wall for people’s chair. We added in static holds, curls, air traffic controllers, touch them heels to make it fun.

we had about 6 minutes of Mary passed around for fun.

Thanks everyone for coming out. It’s fun to lead, please sign up to Q Cauldron and other AOs.  Out cold you were missed!

HW out!