Out of the darkness…..

…emerged a newly repaired, fully functional Mailman.  And just like that, all seemed to be 'better' throughout the RaceCity persona.  The ruckers (Cupcake, Manhands, BigMean, DeepEnd, Pierogi, YHC) had rucked just over 2 miles, fist bumps were distributed, pleasantries volleyed, and kettle bells brandished in the ever present gloom.  As a blue camo'ed hoody and vintage F3 cap clad Mailman looked on at the culmination of his one year celebration of the introduction of Kettle Bells to The Rock AND to Race City on Tuesdays…..a proud, but subdued smile slipped across his face, then disappeared without so much as a peep of bragadociousness, to which he is entitled.  The Q was disappointingly predicablely painful, but the PAX responded with spit and vinegar that is the trademark of the stallionesque brood gathered under the triangular tarps:


Warm ups: (counts IC-unless noted): Disclaimer, SSH 20, IST 15, Vegetation retrievers 10, Merkins 10, MC's 15, Mason Twists w/KB 10, KB swings 15, Figure 8 your legs 10 OYO. Run to fountain, R/L karaoke, run to first corner, high knees, butt kickers, 2nd corner, run back to the tarps.

Than Thang (all counts IC-unless noted):  Curls 15, skull crushers 15, mil presses 15, bent over rows R/L 10 each side, Ribbons 20 hip touches OYO, clean and jerk to press 10, MOVE to Wall-clean and jerk step up on the wall 10 OYO, shoulders on wall-lat raises 15, Ribbons 30 hip touches, sit on wall-outhouse curls 10 R/L, bent over rows R/L 10, back to circle, side plank-shoulder KB press 10 R/L (this literally sucked), loosen shoulders with fig. 8's of your KB around your legs 10 OYO.  Bring bell to field.

Lunge walk press KB up for a good bit, stop to form a line, spread out, turn around, ALL throw kettlebell, walk to KB and do one burpee.  Repeato until back to edge of field (about 5-7 of said 'tosses'). Return to Tarps.  Lay on back, KB pull up/bench press 20 IC, Bench press KB/flow flutter 15 IC, Cutter boxes 10 IC, Box cutters 19 IC, Low flutter 15 IC, JLo's 10 IC.

Recover, Recover.


-The earnly ruck was a first for YHC in many months, and it was enjoyable.

-The Manhands mumblechatter was of epic diarrheaesque proportion, flowing nearly ceaslessly, even commenting on the Q's height, numerous excercises, politics, you name it….

-Our Repsects of Agent Orange, TickTock, Cupcake, DeepEnd and Usain continue to inspire all.

-FNG is Agent Orange's son, Sean or Shawn Caldwell, is a Marine, has travelled the world, and seems like kick a__ dude, simply said. 

-Kudos to Mailmain for the inception of The Rock, and to London Whale, who has taken over the reigns in magnificent fashion.  Thanks, LW, for the chance to lead.

-The above excercises may  in the wrong order, slightly embellished, and or missing from the BB.  Either way, they are more accurate than Hillary Clinton is in describing her emails as SOS.

Hummer, over and out.