Outer Limits – Methane Circuit Q

Event Date

May 28, 2019

Five Pax met this morning at the Summer's Walk clubhouse for a post Memorial Day beer and burger burn off.  We started out with the usual warm up moves and then jogged over and around the green and for ab stations at the corners.  Made a quick stop at the kiddie park for a 12-10-8 session of pull ups and merkins followed up by a session of dips, inclined and declined merkins. 

Then jogged around to Casa del Methane for some retaining wall stones.  Utilized Barbarino's front yard (while he was fart sackin) for a few sessions of curls, skull crushers, and up right rows followed up by some Das Boot specials, periscope lunges (sorry Das Boot, we don't have sand bags at Summer's Walk and probably never will…).  After dodging the dog crap in my side yard taking blocks back, it was off to the green again for one more ab circuit around the green.  Lastly back to the club house for name your favorite Mary and closed out.

Prayers and thoughts went out for all vertans and those who served our country, Burgundy's mom for continued recovery, and Little Aila (might not spelled her name right) for a clear heart check up.