Outer Limits/Summers Rain

Event Date

Feb 26, 2018

Also present: Chicken Noodle, Bolt, Miracle Gro

I hated to abandon my Rolling Stone brothers and the regular Bell Buster at Christian Brothers, but how can I pass up a beat down in my own neighborhood? …sorry Meca/Rolling Stone. I am currently seeking dual citizenship to join the likes of Ty Webb. We’ll see how that goes.

So the 64 deg drizzle drew me and the 2.0’s out of the house promptly at 0515 to slow mosey up Summers Walk Blvd to the AO to find no one else there yet. Chicken Noodle was right behind us and it wasn’t long before Swamp Thing arrived ready to go. And we even had a visit from the legendary Duvall carrying the shovel-flag.


  • SSH X 20 IC
  • Windmill x 10 IC
  • Imperial Storm Trooper X 10 IC
  • Superman Banana
  • Warmup Mosey 


  • Grinder: Partner up and line up at the top of Summers Descent. P1 run down the hill, to the tree line and back while P2 does burpees, then switch. Continue until a combined total of 100 burpees
  • Run another lap around the front entrance of SW
  • Everyone back to the bottom of Summers Descent for Tunnel of Love from trees to the rocks and Leap Frog back
  • 4 Station, 15 minute AMRAP circuit with the following: 
    • 20 dips at the green transformer near the gravel driveway
    • 20 merkins (at the second tree)
    • 20 Mary Katherines (at the 4th tree)
    • 40 LBC (at the 6th tree) 
    • Run back to the beginning 


  • Low Flutter
  • Heels to Heaven


PRAYERS: Please keep my brother, Nathan, in your prayers as he fights his battle against addiction.  


  1. Props to Swamp Thing and whoever else was responsible for the launch of “Outer Limits”. It’s just a little bit harder to make an excuse for fartsacking on Mondays now.
  2. Great job by all this morning! That hill offers a worthy challenge when combined with burpees.
  3. Thanks for partnering Chicken Noodle. You’re doing great.
  4. I’ve got to give props to my 2.0’s. You guys were beasting it!

"In God we have boasted continually, and we will give thanks to your name forever." Psalm 44:8

hope you got your money's worth!
