OuterLimits 2nd Anniversary Beatdown and breakfast

Also posting is Barbarino and True Value.  Special recognition to Komen for providing food

The set-up:  February of 2018…Swampthing, Sparknut, Chicken Noodle and a small but might group of followers establish an F3 outpost at Summers Walk, on the “OuterLimits” of Davidson.  Participation waxed and waned, but persisted with the goal of bringing together the men of SW.   The 2019 MOLGA (make OuterLimits great again) initiative brought renewed enthusiasm and pax totals regularly reached 8-10 every Tuesday morning.  Fast forward to last week when YHC tweeted the lengthiest pre-blast ever with 10 reasons to attend our anniversary event.   Some pax may have actually not posted due to the annoying pre-blast :).   Food was planned, with the whole OuterLimits team pitching in, HOA approval was obtained for use of the clubhouse and the stage was set for this morning.


Three Q’s would lead the group…starting with Sparknut delivering the greeting and disclaimer, warming us up and..


Q1:   Sparknut concocted a 12 minute circuit including LBC’s, dips, Mary Katherine’s, and pull-ups at the SW playground

Q2: YHC took the group over to the Horton Hill for a quadriphilia ladder of 10, 15, 20, 15, 10 squats at the bottom, monkey humpers at the top with the run up being backwards.  Quad burn was achieved .   Short mosey over to Swampthing’s cul de sac for a mobility minute and some Mary  

Q3:  Noodle took us home with a tour of SW stars homes, including all SW pax in attendance   In between there were incline and decline merkins, man makers, more use of alley hills (sprints and foot fire) and monkey jumpers directed at swamp thing’s house.  noodle finished with his signature Superman exercise.

COT:   Naming of FNG Billy, now known as Little Kahuna.  Thanks for joining us from Concord!  Thanks to all that came from outside the hood to help us celebrate   Recognition of the positive impact F3 has had on SW and all our lives.   Eloquent final words from Noodle.

Post workout breakfast including bacon, liver mush, bagels, donuts, pancakes and plenty of java.  Great 2nd F


