Outlaw agrees to a burpee!

Enron and Slingshot completed 6 miles and joined us for CoT. Chilly came in hot as well after crushing 12 miles. Strong work by our runners!

Nothing does a Redskins fan’s heart better than beating the Cowgirls and as promised burpees were avoided with their victory in Dallas on Sunday! Outlaw did agree to do one burpee however YHC wasn’t aware of the customary tradition of performing said burpee at the end of the workout. 

PAX managed to stay almost completely dry with multiple circuits inside the parking deck, where we rotated calling out various exercises while one  PAX (the timer) performed a KB suitcase carry around the parking lot. 
PAX also completed 2 ladder circuits (10,8,6,4,2) of wide grip merkins and jump squats. 
Unusually quiet throughout the workout with minimal mumblechatter but as always solid camaraderie.  YHC had  high hopes of performing monkey humpers in front of the Victoria’s Secret’s security cameras but due to inclement weather it didn’t fit into our plans. 

Loved Goat’s tribute to the team from our nation’s capital  by calling out the “Commander Jump?”, a variation of the jump squat. Even added 180 and 360  degree twists! 

Solid work by all gents and honored to be among you this morning!

YHC wasn’t  able to share faith nugget from yesterday’s Storyhill service so dropping here: There is no greater love than to lay down your life for someone as Jesus has done for each of us. 

Humbly in Christ,



