Outlaw Shows Precise TheBurpee Form in He Hate Me Classic

PAX also included Camanche Kid, Eric Holby (FNG), Lincoln

A PAX of 24 emerged from obscurity this morning in 30 degree gloom, with great uncertainty and speculation, for a Boot Camp beatdown at the state-of-the-art big green gym of Westmoreland Athletic Park.   

Warm Up:
Mosey backwards
Long-step slow lunge walk
SSH x 12
Windmill x 12

Mosey to Baseball Field for Main Event

Main Event:
First we plotted about a 60-yard course in the outfield and paired up (each distance between burpees was approximately 60 yards)

Set 1:
Bear crawl x 60 yards
Burpees x 10
Leap frog partner x 60 yards
Burpees x 10

Set 2:
Crab walk x 60 yards
Burpees x 10
Wheel barrow x 60 yards
Burpees x 10

Set 3:
Partner drag x 60 yards
Burpees x 11
Bear crawl x 60 yards
Burpees x 11

Set 4:
Leap frog partner x 60 yards
Burpees x 10
Crab walk x 60 yards
Burpees x 10

Set 5:
Wheel barrow x 60 yards
Burpees x 10
Partner drag x 60 yards
Burpees x 10

Mosey to belachers

Step up x 20 (right leg)
Step up x 20 (left leg)
Slow air squat x 15 (2-count cadence)

.25 mile on the double jog from Shovel Flag to and fro Westmoreland Athletic Park sign

Elbow plank x 1 minute
LBC x 12 (2-count cadence)

Beginning Temperature: 30F
Weather conditions: Dry
Total Running Distance: .40 mile
Total Planking Time: 0-2 minutes
Total time: 45.00.00

1.  As noted above, we did a total of 102 burpees on the morning; the extra two we did for Shoe who decided not to fart sack it this morning.
2.  The main event was basically stolen from a classic Crimson workout delivered on 3/14/2013.  It included everything YHC hates the most.  Hence, the He Hate Me Classic.
3.  Everyone seemed to enjoy the burpees, but also seemed to ask for more running – go figure.
4.  Although some potential was shown during the Monkey Rolls, we still have a way to go before we’re ready to compete in the Monkey Roll Championship in October.  Notables with decent form included Gnarly Goat, Shaken, and Lone Star.
5.  Outlaw and King Fish, especially, seemed like the burpee segments of the workout. 
6.  Evinrude appears to have met some new friends earlier this week – often referred to as weights at Elite Fitness – and he hasn’t stopped talking about them since.
7.  “Soprano, make sure to pull your wood in.” was the quote of the morning.  Hopefully no one was wacked in the head with Soprano’s wood during the on the double run.  Always nice to have a few doctors around in the PAX.
8. As always, it was an honor to lead the PAX.  Word on the street is that Striker is cooking up something special for next week’s General.