Over the Hills and Far Away

The BRR is really sneaking up on us, it's only 6 months away!  Knowing that, 11 strong runners came out for some hill work at Titan.  Here is roughly how it went down.

05:00:  A ~2.3 mile run standard that also included Stray for the full duration and TBone for a bit.  Heal up TBone after the Quarter Ruck brother.  Uh, this is where is gets fuzzy for me.  We magically picked up Jaws early in the standard, then got lucky and found Kumquat too.  Nearly everyone above ran #TheStandard…jeez with all the joiners and leavers I can't keep track. #MathisHard!  So, sound off if you didn't run #TheStandard??  Or not…

05:30:  Mosey towards the parking lot exit, mixing in some high knees and butt kickers.

Quick Disclaimer, bid farewell to Stray.

(Quicker than usual) WARM-O-RAMA

  • IST x 10 IC
  • Cotton Pickers x 10 IC
  • Little Baby Arm Circles, on the run, which looks as ridiculous as it sounds.


  • Run to "Mortimer Hill", ~1 mile away.
  • Run to the top of the hill, 10 Mericans.
  • Run to the bottom of the hill, 10 Mericans.
  • Return to Hopewell High.

4 MOM:

9 Lives was kind enough to gather everyone (as I rounded up the 6) for:

  • Low Flutters x 20 IC (apologies if there was 1 before that, sound off if so)
  • Homer to Marge
  • Low Dolly x 20 IC

Then YHC took the helm for:

  • Plank for 45 seconds
  • JLOs x 15 IC

Recover, recover.  Distance travelled was anywhere from ~3.75 miles to 5.10 depending on the number of hill repeats achieved.  Garmin description here: https://connect.garmin.com/activity/1076178261


  • Extremely strong work by everyone today!  We'll all be ready for the BRR.
  • WD was Fenway, who also Merlot'd.  (Oh, are we not supposed to reveal that? Not sure what the etiquette is here?)  Not because the workout was hard for him, mind you, my man is sick with bronchitis but still runs hard almost every day. #Beast.
  • WB was Jingle Bells, who coincidentally, was coming in hot and didn't link up with us until late in the workout.  He ran his own course today, and that has almost nothing to do with not seeing the #PB!  Oh, Jingle doesn't follow YHC on Twitter.  I'm not bitter, but can a brother get a follow?  We've literally worked out dozens of times together : )
  • Was planning on Mary with Led Zeppelin's "Over the Hills and Far Away" playing on my car, but the PAX were putting in strong work with 9 Lives and it would have been cruel to move everyone.  But being as uncreative as I am, that's still the title of this backblast.  What, come up with another title?  I'm not a…someone who writes stuff what's the word…writer!
  • Put in about 23 miles with Kumquat over the course of 3 runs the past 4 days.  See you at #Fallout tomorrow buddy?
  • Jolly Rodger couldn't make it today, but YHC thanks him for his Twitter presence which brought out a few Incognitians.  Great to see you Burner and Jenny.
  • YHC learned from JR and humbly invited Black Eyed Pea and a couple others over Twitter.  Hey, if it brings even 1 extra PAX, then it's worth it!
  • Thank you Tantrum for the opportunity to lead today.  And thanks for taking us over to the hill during #TheStandard, so YHC could pretend to know the route during TheThang.

Aye brothers, it was an honor to lead such a fine group.