Over the river and through the woods…

to the Birkdale Clubhouse we go!

A bunch of pax ran the Standard as is the standard at Arnies. Frogger ran the standard and then rolled out, likely because he did two OCR events over the weekend. 

A good mix of pax today at Arnies. We did a more dynamic sort of warm up- butt kickers, high knees, toy soldiers, ISTs, Billy Bobs, etc. but moving back and forth in the parking lot rather than in the typical circle. At the end we circled up for SSHs and Bambams to 8, skipping 4 because the Q can't count. 

Mosey to the bridge for Over the River. Well ok, it's a stream. Up and over the railing 12x, then 12 Burpees. Repeato 5x total. You are now safely across.

Mosey to the golf course for Through the Woods. Follow the golf path through the woods for one hole. Start with bear crawl for 50m, then lung walk for 50m, then repeato bear crawl and lung walk again. Then partner carry for ~100m each. Then finish hole by walking single file while doing Moroccan night clubs and seal claps. This was my favorite portion of the workout, we all looked exceptionally foolish / secret societyish 

Made our way back to the Birkdale clubhouse stopping along the way for a schoolbus back! set of 15 merkins IC and 15 monkeyhumpers IC. Finally made it to the clubhouse with a few minutes to spare. One of my goals for the workout was to do 100 burpees. We were only at 60 at this point.  You do the math. The next call was 20 burpees or as many as possible in 2 minutes. Followed by another 20 burpees or as many as possible before the bell tolled. There was quite a bit of mumblechatter when the first 20 were called:


"Must be nice to be a 21 yr old"

"That is just stupid"

"Nice creativity" 

It would be inappropriate to repeat what was said when the next 20 were called. But all in all, the Pax loved it. Rocket and Toxic seemed extra enthusiastic. Outlaw would have been thrilled if he were not off running somewhere.


– It never fails that the Pax complain whenever Bam Bams are called in a warm up. It also never fails that the Pax complain whenever Bam Bams are called at all. Thanks Bam Bam

– Tuffy commented midway through the woods that the workout was starting to bring back some memories from the Black Mountain Heavy. Darkness + woods + bear crawls will do that

– Today's workout had mutiny potential, but the pax stuck together. Thanks Elmers. You're welcome Blackbeard

– The mumblechatter was well deserved. The pax expect to coast into Mary at the end of a workout, typically expecting some core work but nothing too tough, unless DonHo goes on one of his Homer to Marge binges. Today they got the Is he serious Bunyan treatment

– Thanks for the chance to Q Auto. Love me some Birkdale / Arnies and we didn't even get around to the A frame or other toys today

– Lego and Poptart, please report to Auto, he is looking for you. 


"Sometimes we grow through [the process of] solving our problems, not the solution to the problems."