Overheard Today: “This was Arguably the Best Workout of 2024!”

A strong 14 #Generally fit soldiers pledged allegiance to the American flag and got to business this fine morning. 

After a jog-o-rama we circled for some half-straddle hops (no arms), IST, Slow squat, slow ‘Mericans, LBCs and such.

We then made our way to the local rock pile in the ditch and each grabbed a winner.

We completed some curls for the girls, rock squats, bent-over rows and chest presses

On we moved across the dangerous wooden bridge.  Luckily, no trolls were out this early.

On the other side we gathered for a set of shoulder-touch ‘Mericans (20)

Then we hoofed it on over the to the pickle ball parking lot for a very traditional partner-up DORA with 100 ‘Mericans, 200 Jump squats and 300 LBCs.

Completing this task, we went on over to the pavilion and banged out some DECLINE ‘Mericans and 10 step-ups each leg.

Finally, we moseyed back to the bridge for 10 more shoulder-touches, hit the rocks again for some more curls for those pretty, pretty girls and then on to no MARY.  

But we did finish with 10 burpees.  Well, some of us did, anyway.


1. We all had a really great time this morning

2. Everyone said this was the most fun they’ve had in years

3. All participants were left begging for more 

4. No one wanted to leave for coffee or anything else

5. Hollywood needs Qs in the near future

6. You could be a guy that helps fulfill #5 above

7. Thanks for posting, Gents! 
