Overlook Christmas Light Tour

Event Date

Dec 29, 2022


3 men at Cobalt this morning. 2 by car, 1 by foot. 2 wearing pants, 1 wearing shorts. ~27 degrees so we got moving quickly at the request of the guy in shorts.


SSH X 15 IC, Merkins X 15 OYO, Cherry Pickers X 10 IC, Merkins X 15 IC, Runners Lunge

Main Event

Neighborhood Christmas light tour. 2+ miles running around the hood. Stop at every house with Christmas lights on and perform 15 reps of called exercise. Lots of favorites called – merkins, WMD’s, CDD’s, merkin variations (one arm up, spiderman merkins, etc.) and lots of abs. Every other house / exercise was abs. 


  • Overheard during workout…..”I’m going to make an effort to get to more Thursday workouts in 2023. It’s the best workout of the week.”
  • Also overheard during workout……”Thanks for the workout Q. That’s exactly what I needed.” Price was right too Grip.
  • Surf was supposed to join us but had a domestic issue at 515am. All is well but he was missed.
  • Lots of festive discussion about Christmas and gifts received. Grip heading to VA to celebrate with in-laws. Bringing his life jacket…..never know what life will throw at you. 
  • Q is one up on Grip for total # of F3 workouts for 2022. Q out for Saturday….could we end up with a tie?
  • Good work fellas. Great way to start the day.