3 men showed for Cobalt on a perfect Thursday morning.
Warm-up: SSHX20 IC, WindmillX10 IC, Cherry PickersX10 IC
- Thang: mailbox run through the neighborhood. Stopped at every mailbox on three roads and alternated exercises at each mailbox.
1. Overlook Cove Road – alternated between 5 merkins and 10 leg lifts
2. Nicole Eileen Lane – alternated between 5 CDD's and 10 squats
3. Mountain Cove Drive (from OMD to clubhouse) – alt between10 merkins, 10 LBC's
3 AYG sprints from clubhouse entrance to OMD and back. Plank sets in between.
1 minute remaining – AMRAP merkins to close out
- Triathalon and shot walk got a lot of airtime
- HOA board situation was discussed
- Natty's got a good golf story if you have a chance to hear it
- Prayers for Mama Joyce and Natty's dad, among others.
- Great job men.