Event Date

Jul 10, 2018


9 men whooped the fartsack this am to enjoy one last day of cooler temps.  The only pre-req for the pax today was the ability to count up to 20.  FNG is Strudel.  His doctors told him the strenuous SVU workouts would halve is rehab time from a ruptured quad…good to see you again!



  • ISW X 10IC
  • SSH X 20IC
  • Mtn Climbers X 20IC
  • Windmills X 10 IC

Thus ending YHC counting responsibility for the day.

Head to the back, grab a block, then your water and head out to the bottom of the hill.


6 OYO exercises

  • 20 Merkins
  • 20 Monkey Humpers
  • 20 LBC
  • 20 Block Curls
  • 20 Skull Crushers
  • 20 Block Squat Thrust
  • Quadraphelia with block up big hill to 3rd mailbox on left (150 yards)

Repeato with Count of 18

Repeato with Count of 16

Repeato with Count of 14

Repeato with Count of 12

Return Blocks to their home and do 1 round of max pullups before heading back out.


  • Hefty & Skipper chatted like little school girls most of the time. 
  • I didn't call sprint Quadraphelia, but Shirley definitely showed us how to do it.
  • Welcome back Puddle! "This wouldn't be so bad if we didn't have to carry this block!"
  • Much gawking of Tinker's leg tats…
  • Enjoy your Tuesday!

Pleasure to Lead,