Packed 45 at Cobalt

Event Date

Sep 05, 2019


7 showed at Cobalt for a packed 45. Said disclaimer and we were off.


Run to bottom of hill on Tranquility (0.75 miles). Circled twice along the way: 1) SSH 25 IC, Cherry Pickers 15 IC, 2)  10 merkins, 10 LBC, 20 merkins, 20 LBC, 30 merkins, 30 LBC, 20 merkins, 20 LBC, 10 merkins, 10 LBC – all OYO.

Hill Set:
Sprint from bottom of hill to first street on left (2/10 mile uphill) and perform 10 burpees OYO
Run back to bottom of hill and perform 10 leg abs of your choice OYO
Repeat the above 4 more times and decrease reps to 8, 6, 4, 2
Run back to clubhouse parking lot. Circle twice along the way: 1) Merkins 10 IC, 2) LBC 20 IC
3.25+ miles running plus fair number of merkins, burpees and abs.
  • Solid work by all this morning 
  • Hoping Grip got everyone out of the house on time this morning. You know when that guy is in a rush.
  • Great to see Double Double and Vic-20 – been a while. Great job fellas.
  • Tool Time making some great progress. Dude was crushing the running and the hills.
  • Keep those impacted by Dorian in your prayers.
  • Thanks for letting me lead this morning fellas. Enjoyed all three F's this morning.