Pain Clock at Race City

*Couldn't tell who the last PAX was…BB?

 FNG1 = DD

18 PAX including a slew of FNG's posted on this fine Saturday to see what YHC cooked up for my first Race City Q. The Pain Clock made it's first appearance at The Glen and it's sure to make it's return soon…hopefully.


Mosey to the lower parking lot and circle up

5 SSH IC 1 Burpee 5 SSH IC 2 Burpees 5 SSH 3 Burpees 5 SSH 4 Burpees 5 SSH 5 Burpees
IST x 10 IC
Cotton Pickers X 10


Mosey to the soccer field and face the hill
CCD x 10 IC
Bear Crawl Up Half Way
12 Merkins x IC (12:00 Merkins)
Bear Crawl Up
12 Burpees
Back down the hill

CCD x 10 IC
Bear Crawl Up Half Way
11 Merkins x IC (11:00 Merkins)
Bear Crawl Up
11 Burpees

REPEATO all around the clock

Mosey to the rock pile and grab a friend

 Drop the rocks at the red line on the soccer field and mosey back to the goal line

'Contra' Burpee (Broad Jump Burpee with increasing merkins) to the rocks….approximately 5
Once at the rocks 20 Rock Squat, Curl, Presses
Sprint the length of the soccer field
Mosey back to the initial line
REPEATO – 19 Reps down to 16 Reps
The last round, crab wak to the rocks

Return rocks and mosey to the lower parking lot for some four corners

1st Corner – 10 Merkins IC
2nd Corner – 15 Squats IC
3rd Corner – 15 Jump Squats
4th Corner – 5 Burpees

Circle up for some Mary:

 PAX led: LBC's, Maktar Jai, Low Dolly, Box Cutters, Low Flutter


– Good showing of FNG's this morning with two names given….(Hello, my name is) Simon  and DD.
– Finger Lickin Good is an animal. He smoked the burpees today.
– Great to see the FNG's out this morning.
– YHC and other PAX noticed some of the PAX not bear crawling up the hill this morning….Santiago.
– Lot's of mumble chatter between Loveshack, Usain, Honeymoon and Crack about the cold and damp grass.
– Prayers for the upcoming election…
– Thanks to Rent A Cop for giving YHC the keys to The Glen this morning. It's always an honor to lead a workout.

I love burpees,
