“The Plus”: a slow or at your own pace 2 mile out and back run 20 minutes starts at 5 am. It is a great way to get a little extra cardio, warm up and prepare for some great restorative and mobility body work.
Weather for the Plus will be a cool 34 degrees followed by a balmy Pain Lab of 72 degrees.
We will meet at the DUMC Yellow House 262 South Main Street.
If you are struggling to get back in the F3 saddle, goal setting tip is to break the goals down into small parts. Just start by making one decision which is to get out of bed. T-claps to “Juicy Fruit” for coming back. I have heard there was a sighting last week.
I already have one HC for the Plus from Ezekiel. Canuck is on for the board to Q the Pain Lab. I will be his backup in case in celebrates too much.
“Prepare to Standby to Get Ready”
These tips below can help all of us in our everyday lives.
The Navy SEAL Mental Toughness Program to Control Fear in Extreme Situations:
1. Goal Setting to bring structure to chaos. The ability to reason and plan keeps the fear response in check.
2. Mental Rehearsal or Visualization is practice for your mind and body so the reality matches your vision. Running the scenario through in your mind allows it to come more naturally and it allows the body to have a less stressful reaction.
3. Self-Talk especially positive self-talk, can override the brain's fear response. According to The Human Brain documentary, we talk to ourselves between 300 and 1,000 words a minute, and when we use positive instead of negative words and thoughts, it will help override the fear signal that originates in the brain.
4. Arousal Control through slow, deep breathing can enhance brain activity. Long exhales gets more oxygen to the brain and allows us to make better decisions. Use 4×4 breathing. 4 seconds in 4 seconds out.