Pain ladder up Hardcore Hill

Event Date

Sep 18, 2018


The Thang:

Mosey to pain clock for a Fartlek ladder. This consisted of :

10 Shoulder Touch Merkins at the pain clock

Slow mosey down Travolta hill 

1 Burpee at bottom of hill 

Sprint up Hardcore Hill

Plank at pain clock until everyone gets back and repeato 9/2, 8/3…

The Pax made it to 7 laps before time ran out for a slow mosey the long way back to the AO

Soggy Moleskine

Toxic set a blistering pace on the first lap looking like a runner to me despite his claims

Crab Legs was looking strong leading the way in what he called a “hill speed walk” didn’t look like walking to me

Frogger was up at the front as well looking strong even with a bum knee. Rest that knee brother. You have some big events coming up

Black Eye Pea & TBone are deep into the half marathon training and debating the need for 40 mile weeks. Whatever you’re doing is working as you both were strong 

Storm Chaser has been relentless in his posting since joining F3 a week ago. You are crushing these workouts 

YHC wanted to try something new today and this was a combination of pain and speed on hills. This is a great opportunity to step up and lead this workout making it your own. Check the calendar for the next opening. Great work today men.