PAIN stations at Fission

Disclaimer…First exercise is Quick mosey around parking lot. Butt Kicker, High Knees, Walking Toy Soldier, SSH, Cotton PickerTHE THANG:Mosey 10IC Slow SquatIndian run to Oakbranch ln.10IC CCD, 10IC Monkey HumperMosey to Oakhurst subdivisionIndian run to Ruffner DriveBear crawl downhill 50 ftIndian run to stop sign. 10 IC Peter Parker on elbow plank10 IC Merkins10 IC LBCIndian run to stop signPartner upP1 run up hill and backP2 AMRAP Low FlutterFlip flopMosey back to Weatherstone subdivision.10 IC CCD, 10 IC Merkins, 10 IC Dying CockroachBear crawl pass the gateLateral Plank then 10 OYO Merkins, lateral Plank then 15 Merkins, lateral Plank then 20 MerkinsRun to the end of line and run back do 10 OYO Jump Squat, 15 and 20. Legs are burning.Mosey behind school for some 10IC Dips, 10IC Close Grip Merkins.People’s Chair10 IC Air Press, 10 IC Wonder BraMosey back to parking lotMary:Home to Marge, low Flutter, low dolly, Big Baby CrunchMoleskine:Thank you gents for coming out. Soprano and I did the standard he almost kill me on uphills. Wait, he said I almost kill him. Thanks for the standard.It’s great to meet you Cherry Bomb. Keep coming back.Wipeout and Time check strong finished. Ninja Turtle never break a sweat.Next week 2/14 HatTrick has the Q and Cousin Eddie 2/21.Sign up to Q at Fission.Soprano thanks for taken us out on a prayer.Prayers for our brother Schneider and his family.
