Pain without Running at Mighty Jungle

17 Pax posted in the gloom for a good old fashion beatdown.   


The Thang

Warm up

  • SSH
  • Imperial ST
  • Cotton Picker
  • Merkins
  • Arm Circles
  • Seal Jacks: Side-straddle hop but with arms in front instead of overhead. 
  • Apollo Ono

Part 1 – Mosey to the pull up bar – 4 Sets4x

  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 Pull up, Wide Pull-ups, closed hands pullups, chin-ups
  • 15 Push-up, staggard rt/lf, wide
  • 20 Squats – 80/20 Split leg squat (RT then LF), jump squats
  • Plank, Down Dog calf stretch, wide leg stretch right then left

Part 2 – Mosey to the field for 10 min Stretch Armstrong

  • Hamstring strech
  • Pigeon
  • Runner's stretch
  • 5 Turkish get-ups each side

Part 3 – Mosey to the Bricks – 2x through

  • 20 Squats
  • 10 Rows
  • 10 One legged Curls
  • 10 Calf raise (RT/LF)
  • 20 Static knee drops in a Lung (RT then LF)
  • 10 Overhead press in lung
  • 10 Skull crusher
  • 10 Bench

Part 4 – Mary

  • Cross right leg in front of the left for a hamstring strech, then a side strech, repeato on the other side
  • Crunchy frog time bomb starting at 6
  • 10 Oblique V-ups followed by 25 Jane Fonda Side Leg raises (RT/LF)

The Moleskin

  • Social Man (not in the list) was the 17th PAX
  • Oyster enjoyed WD status while Smash was the WB
  • The Jane Fonda leg lifts got a BS call at the 20 count for being a pain in the Ass.