Paininsula – BCVM (Before Corona Virus Madness)

An even 12 men met in the gloom to enjoy the pre-Corona Virus Apocolypse and enjoy some fitness and fellowship (and coffee)



SSH x 20

IST x 15

Downward Dog

CDD x 15

Arm Circles

Merkins x 15

Cotton pickers x 15 

Mosey to rock pile

Curls x 10

Skull Crushers x 10

Shoulder Press x 10

Bent over row x 10


Chest Press x 20


THE Burpee

Mosey to Breezeway

Step ups x 10 each leg

Incline Merkins x 10

Dips x 10

People's Chair

Airpresses x 20

Step ups x 10 each leg

Decline Merkins x 10

Dips x 10

Peoples Chair 

Touch them Ankles x 20

Mosey back to launch for Mary

Ws x 15

V ups x 10 each side

Crunchy Frog x 10

Homer to Marge with Heels to Heaven

Finish with Stretch


1) Always honored to Q Paininsula

2) Ninja Turtle tried to slip in but to no avail – we know you were 5 mins late

3) 4th post for Bakers Dozen – great work brother – but now you know where to park and what time the workout starts

4) Boar Hog (Mr Late x 3) finally joined for some Rock tossing. Good to see Boar Dog was ready…

Prayers for safety of everyone and no panic.