Paininsula – Damp, Humid, Warm Version

Event Date

Jan 14, 2020

8 men gathered to enjoy(?) a warm damp morning to sweat it out.  YHC was honored to be the Q


Mosey to Dutchman's parking lot for warm-o-rama

SSH x 15

Cotton picker x 15

IST x 15

Merican x 15

Runners Stretch

THE Burbee

Mosey to breezeway 

10 step ups each leg

Dips x 15

People's Chair

Airpresses x 15

Incline Merkins x 15

Touch That Butt -25

Decline Merkins x 10-

REPEATO with touch them heels while in People's chair

Mosey to Rock Pile and pick a rock

Forward leaning rest, downward dog, cobra and repeat

Pick up Rock

Curls x 15

Skull crushers x 15

Shoulder Press x 15

Arm Circles 

Bent over row x 15

Rotate right 2 spots


Mosey back to shopping center for Mary

15 WWII Sit ups

Crunchy Frog x 10

Alternates x 10

LBC x 15

Homer to Marge

Run back to Launch for 1 min of Stretch



1) Was great to Q Paininsula again.  Small but great group.

2) Yes it was humid. Yes several of us were overdressed.

3) Many tired PAX from watching what was a dissappointing game

4) Look forward to Q'ing next time