Panera or Legs? F3RCUSA Digs Deep to Grind out Some Guts at The Glen

Event Date

Feb 23, 2019

The rain was predicted at 90%, the temps JUST above 40, the Polar Bear was being run today, so numbers at The Glen were thin, to say the least. All that said, an early movement to just head to Panera was ruthlessly squashed by YHC, and the fabulous gem of an AO in F3RCUSA took off a bit late, and ended a bit early, but plenty of pain was packed into the routine on the rain soaked premisis.  Here's how it went down.

Warm Ups (IC): Mozy, SSH 20, IST 15, CP's 10, MC's 15, CDD's 10, SDS 15, Hillbilly's 10, Merkins 10

The Thang: 10 Exercises (5 sets of 2 each) 3 rounds of each set.

Progression Jumps (LMH) 15 IC, Mason twist 15 IC

Agility jumps (make a diagonal box-4 jumps, about 12" apart) 10 each way, Dips 15 IC

Single leg lateral hops 15 each leg, High knee step over 6 each way

Single leg ventral hops 15 each leg, 3 point squat with rock 10

Low jump twist 15 IC, Lunge with rotation of rock 5 each side, 10 overall

Mary (IC): Low Flutter 25, LBC 71 (of course, as counted by Lear!). Recover, recover.


-Big Mean rucked from 6-8 AM, lotsa miles, fixin' to participate in some ungodly 50 mile ruckfest or something coming up…..he needs to be 'evaluated'.

-Loveshack, Nymph, Porker, Bombardier, and Crack all ran #thestandard for many, many, many miles.  Crack stayed for the bootcamp workout- which DID NOT curtail his commentary, as you'll read later. 

-It WILL NOT be mentioned WHO chimed in, but there was MORE than a quorum that wanted to head straight to Panera, but with a fully sanctioned workout already planned (and half written BB), that was not gonna happen.

-It rained, not a lot, but it did, and Lear noted that about a year ago, somebody noted that 'it never rains during F3RCUSA workouts…..but it does, and it did today, not as much as last week, but…..

-This is a classic 'leg' workout, promoted for skiing, and our Pax NAILED it!  Care to peruse it?  Have at it.

-Deep End, per usual, was offput by having run down the hill to get the rocks for sets 4 and 5, so the ever benevolent Q acquiesced and had the rocks 'brought up', Zamp style, to complete sets 2,3 of round 4, and 1-3 of round 5.  Deep end was extremely happy…..such a simple solution.

-Plinko rocked it hard, somehow likes ventral hops more than lateral?, and claimed the picnic table tops for his 'lay down' exercises. He then bought ALL Pax coffee and such at Panera, thanks Pliko!! 

-Lear does not do plyometrics.  It's as simple as that.  But he did anyway:  inspiring!

-Crack didn't break a sweat, it seems, but was more than happy to comment, profusely, on the nuances of today's workout.  Thanks Crack.

-Usain-thanks SO MUCH for the keys.

-Gents, take a Q!!  You'll be a better man for it, and feel GREAT about leading, trust YHC!