Panthers’ TNF Win Leads to Pain at Cauldron

YHC stayed up late last night watching the Panthers/Texans game while bantering via text with KettleBabe (Blackbeard) and Lawn Dart, drinking a glass of bourbon and contemplating what to do at Cauldron early the next morning…  Fell asleep late in the 4th and thus the plan was assembled on the way to the AO, and perhaps somewhat (as pointed out by Lawn Dart) throughout the workout…

But 12 in total rose from the fartsack to enjoy the cool, crisp weather and a little taste of the DPK parking deck.  Here's how that went:

Gather, listen to Frogger declare he would be the 1st to climb to the top of the complex formula and win a 2nd t-shirt.  The longer Frogger stayed and the more he talked, the lower his score dropped and the lesser his chances became of this foolish goal.

Warm-o-rama:  From the parking lot to the top of the deck via the stairs, zampirini w/ KB all the way up.  Every step.  Circle up, SSHs, ISTs, Long Snappers, Slow Windmill (w/ TN style), toe-touch, Merkins.  All in cadence 12 count (for 24 reps) except SSHs – 24 in cadence.

The Thang:  Series of KB exercises such as:  Shoulder press, skull crushers, curls (low, high, full), chest press.  Then take your KB down a flight of steps, up one ramp (do not stop for fake mimosas or Camp Gladiator bday cake), then up the other – KB overhead while "running". 10 count b/c that sucked. Then more KB exercises such as Bent over rows, lawn mowers, slow deep squats.  Then without KB, run down 2 ramps, up the stairs.  Then repeat 1st round of KB exercises quickly.

Take your KB with you, down all the steps to the bottom while doing single arm shoulder shrugs along the way.

MWAR beside Ponch's ride (the 4 wheeled one).


Hard to remember, as YHC started this BB early Fri morning (before 8AM).  Got busy w/ work, then had to leave town.  Finished it up after a boozing parents' weekend at ECU with 2.0 and 2.1 and M.

YHC does recall the winner of this month's complex formula – congrats to Gnarly Goat who earned himself a t-shirt with bright colors to coordinate with his rainbow of sweatshirts.  Pretty sure that t-shirt is cotton, too.  YOU'RE WELCOME.

Cool to have Lawn Dart with us – still recovering from what he claims was a medical issue but we all know it has something more to do with a crazy week in Mexico…  but either way cool for him to come out at 0530, do some exercises on his own then also join for coffeteria.

That's it.  That's the BB.  The Force is out.
