Panting Like a Dog

It was a warm, but not unbearably hot evening for a proper beat down.

The PAX jogged over to the Downtown Greenway, partnered up, and took turns doing a 0.6 mile round trip out-and-back run and a series of exercises. For the first half, the exercises consisted of 10x burpees, 20x jump squats, 15x merkins, and continuous LBCs until partner’s return. For the second half, the exercises consisted of 25x incline merkins, 15x dips, 20x mountain climbers, and continuous freddie mercuries until partner’s return. 

Only the Q successfully fought through the dog-like panting to continue the workouts long enough to reach the midway, 1-minute “Recover”. To be fair, most of the PAX did a 3-mile run beforehand, so their tank was less than full for what proved to be a challenging workout. I believe Crox said he burned 650 calories over the 45 minutes. 

*FNG-1 is Bondo, Something’s neighbor
