Papa needs a new pair of shoes (and tires)

Event Date

Jan 28, 2019


Warmup: SSH, IST, carrot pullers, hillbillies, all IC. And arm circles. YHC resisted bribes to make it an all stretching workout and moved to blocks.

All IC:

Block curls

Skull crushers

Chest press

Block dips

Partner 1 carries blocks around island while partner 2 does 10 squats and runs to partner 1, flap jack x 2 laps

Repeat block exercises IC

Movie theater parking lot for suicides: run to island , exercise, quadraphilia back

Dry docks x 20

WW2 sit ups x 20

Rocky balboa x 20 IC

Move to hill for merkin ladder

Jump squats at bottom starting at 2

Merkins at top starting at 10

Mary, elbow plank x 45 seconds because YHC really hates elbow planks

Today we discussed Ananias and his integral role in Paul’s conversion to Christ. Although he is a relatively unknown disciple, the message of Christianity would not have become as widespread as it did had Ananias not been obedient after his vision and discussion with God. We discussed the idea of divine visions and decided they do still occur. We also discussed the idea that God still talks to us, although it may not be through life-changing visions. People around us and circumstances can interweave to convey messages from God. Ultimately, however, it is up to us to recognize these moments and exercise the obedience in fulfilling God’s will. Lastly, we discussed generational differences in interpretations of what our respective purposes are in family, work, and life in general. God has put us all in positions that matter greatly (even if seemingly small) and for that we can be grateful and also strive to recognize their importance.

Thanks to everyone who came to workout this morning. I hope it was as good of a start to the week for you as it was for me!