Parking Lot Envy at Mustang

13 PAX arrived at ELHS Mustang to warmly greet YHC for my first time Qing at this AO.  Anyone hoping to see some fresh and new ideas from an out-of-towner…probably left disappointed.  Here is roughly what went down:

0500:  Had Tweeted about a #RunStandard but there were no takers.  No worries, that allowed YHC to draw some chalk lines in the parking lot.

0525:  Lots of PAX were kind enough to bring extra kettle bells so we set them at one of the corners.

0530:  Mosey around 1 section of the parking lot, pointing out chalk marks and including:  High knees, butt kickers, long striders, and Quadraphilia.  Circle up and short disclaimer given.


  • Press Jacks x 15 IC
  • Soybean farmers x 15 IC (yes, these are merely "cotton pickers")
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Slow deep squats x 15 IC
  • Mericans x 10 IC.  Hold for:
  • Mountain Climbers x 15 IC.  Hold for:
  • 1 minute elbow plank.  Hold for:
  • Mericans x 10 IC.

The "Wow what a huge parking lot you have!" Thang:

Partner up.  Size mattered (and some jokes ensured here of course)

Round 1:  The "blue" chalk

  • Partner carry across 1 section of the parking lot
  • Hand release Mericans x 10 IC
  • Wheel barrow walk up the parking lot, to far corner
  • Burpees with 180 degree turn on the jump x 10 OYO
  • Partner carry across
  • Slow Deep Squats x 25 IC
  • Wheel barrow walk down the parking lot hill, back to first corner
  • KB swings x 25 OYO

Round 2:  The "pink" chalk

  • Partner carry across 1 section of the parking lot
  • Hand release Mericans x 10 IC
  • Wheel barrow walk up the parking lot, to far corner
  • Burpees with 180 degree turn on the jump x 10 OYO
  • Slow and deep lunge walk across to 2nd section of the parking lot, to another set of chalk lines in pink
  • Slow Deep Squats x 25 IC
  • Wheel barrow walk down the parking lot hill, then mosey back to first corner
  • KB swings x 25 OYO

Round 3:  The "green" chalk

  • Partner carry across 1 section of the parking lot
  • Hand release Mericans x 10 IC
  • Wheel barrow walk up the parking lot, to far corner
  • Burpees with 180 degree turn on the jump x 10 OYO
  • Quadraphilia across to 3rd section of the parking lot (so far!), to another set of chalk lines in green
  • Slow Deep Squats x 25 IC (almost forgot these!)
  • Wheel barrow walk down the parking lot hill, then mosey back to first corner
  • KB swings x 25 OYO


Only had time for:

  • 1 min elbow plank
  • Return the KBs to car area

Recover, recover.  We covered just over 1 mile according to my Garmin.

Reflection:  1 Corinthians 13:4-7

4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Above chosen, somewhat selfishly, because my family is OOT in PA this week and I miss them terribly.


  1. Very nice to meet so many PAX at this great AO.  Will be back to get to know folks better.
  2. Thanks for the encouragement Ziplock and sorry to miss Abrams and Skipper and the SVU crew.  Apparently there is somewhat of a "turf war thing" over in Denver and it is a joy to behold.  There is talk about a "Burpee throwdown" to settle all of this.  Cannot wait to see it. 
  3. I think it was Closer and Col Mustard who challenged Spork to a sprint on the last straight away?  Spork had run 16 miles over the weekend, had a slight limp on his left leg, yet I think still managed to edge out his challengers.  All 3 of your were very fast…that would have been a pulled hamstring for YHC had I even tried to keep up.
  4. Speaking of Col Mustard, couldn't convince him to throw down some chili dogs yesterday uptown.  However, thanks for coming out today bud, being a great partner, reminding me to get in the center of the circle for Warmorama (apparently that is a thing here?) and general encouragement.  Denver is lucky to have you amongst the PAX now.
  5. And speaking of runners…Denver has TWO Basin Teams lined up for November.  Tclaps!  Not clear if you plan on assembling more BRR teams though?  Spork commented that BRR sounds "a little crazy".  Well, sure, but…that's what we do in F3!  We'll talk about this more…
  6. Stitches…beast.  Oh I see, only 27!  #WB
  7. Either Double Check or Short Bus was #WD.  But you wouldn't know it by the way they crushed the workout.  Great work.
  8. Admittedly there was some worthy mumble chatter that YHC is probably over-looking.  One could blame the general feeling of awe in beholding your massive parking lot.  (Insert emoji with heart eyes).  Kindly sound off below.
  9. Thank you Clark for the opportunity to lead.  Great crew and AO here and I'll be back soon.
