I pulled into Birkdale a few minutes before 0530, and found a group of 3 or 4 huddled up at the bear with a banjo stand. They were very quickly joined by a dozen and half more. Another solid turn out for Hollywood. Below is what we all did.Quick mosey down the boulevard, around the giant tree, down the street and into the parking lot in front of Pier 1. This is the part where Wingman considered going Christmas shopping.Circle up for COP and a quick disclaimer about wet pavement: SSHs x 25, Toy Soldiers x 15, Windmills x 10, and 100 Overhead Claps.We then wandered over to the west corner of the parking lot for what can only be described as a few wet laps up down and all around.- 50 yrd bear crawl half the length of the parking lot. This is the part where everyone’s nice warm dry gloves got wet, and Toxic earns his nickname.- 110 yrd sprint (on wettish pavement) – 50 yrd crab walk, mosey rest of the way- 110 yrd sprint x 5. This is the part where every PAX’s heart rate was adequately elevated.Partner up- Partner 1 runs the 1/6th of a mile lap around the full Dick’s parking lot.- Partner 2 keeps count of 100 Merkins, 200 Toes Out Ballet Squats, and 300 Carolina Dry Docks.- Swap when Partner 1 returns. This is the part where any and all mumble chatter ceased to exist.Next, mosey ¼ mile down to HWY 73, over to the greenway, and up the greenway. Halt, wait 10 second for the 6 to catch up. Board Jump Burpee up the greenway hill behind Fleet Feet. This is the part where the PAX groan. Said hill is about 60 yards long, felt like a lot more.At about 0607, I realized I wasn’t 100% sure if any FNGs had joined us today or not. This is the part where I confirmed no FNGs.Partner back up and complete 50 burpees as a pair, because you know, no FNGs. You guys are going to be so surprised what I have planned when an FNG actually shows up to one of my Qs.Return to the launch pad via three final 80, 60, and another 80 yard sprint.Circle up for a one minute plank, which included announcements, and a PAX inventory tally of 21.Recover! Recover!!Announcements: See twitter for details on Hall Monitor’s Bailey Rd Park football game, Blackbeard’s deck demolition, and Gnarly Goat’s fence building opportunity in Denver to help out a wounded warrior. All event are on Saturday, times and location vary.Sound off below of I missed anything or if my recollection differs from yours.