Partial 99

Event Date

Apr 28, 2016


8 Men appeared in the gloom for a nice beatdown.  

Warmorama, The Thang, and Mary:

Set 1

99 LBC's

9 Burpees

99 High Knees

9 Merkins IC

99 sec People's Chair

Set 2

88 LBC's

8 Burpees

88 High Knees

8 Merkins IC

88 sec Plank

Set 3 

77 LBC's

7 Burpees

77 High Knees

7 Merkins IC

77 sec People's Chair

Set 4

 66 Side Straddle Hops (SSH)

66 LBC's 

66 sec People's Chair

6 Merkins IC

66 Lunges

Set 5

55 SSH's

55 LBC's

55 sec Plank

5 Merkins IC

55 Lunges

Set 6

44 SSH's

44 LBC's

44 sec People's Chair

4 Merkins IC

44 Lunges



Well we got through 6 of the 9 sets of the 99.  I guess I should call it the moanskin in honor of Oktoberfest, who was very excited to be doing the 99 this am.  He really enjoyed every minute of it, and I think he has found a dentist that he works out with that he would like to come see! Lot's of mumble chatter from the pax.   Welcome Joe Penner, FNG that posted this am!  Strong work out by him!  AKA now "911"  Good to see Jingle Bells and Dirt also as well as the Cobalt regulars.   Strong workout men!  Ready for the beach now!!    429 LBC's!  Skrong, LOL. 

Please pray for Mark Friday and his family today!