Additional PAX: Scorsese; Moonlight; Bojangles; Padre.

29 Strong for Tuesday's beat down!

Warm Up:

SSH 15x IC, IST 15x IC, Cotton Picker 15x IC, leg stretches, arm stretches, Windmill 10x IC.

Run to LNCS & plank it up.  PARTNER PAIN TIME!  Pax told to pick a partner, that size didn't matter, but speed might…..

Round 1:  One partner does wall sit while the other partner runs 2 laps around building.  Switch & plank when finished until all are done.

Round 2:  One partner does balls to wall while the other partner runs 1 lap around building.  Switch & plank when finished until all are done.

LBC 10x IC, Heels to Heaven 10x IC.

Mosey over to DUMC, grab a paver & 2 bricks and form stright line across the lot by the speed bump.  

With paver above head (Louis Zamperini style), alternating lunge walk to other speed bump.  

Curls 20x IC, Skull Crushers 15x IC, WWII sit up w/ paver 10x IC.  

With paver above head (Louis Zamperini style), toy soldier walk back to original speed bump.  Grab bricks.

Arm lift merkins w/ bricks 20x IC, standing arm raises – side, then front 15x IC, mason twist w/ bricks 10x IC. 

Run 1 lap around parking lot & plank it up until everyone finishes.

Airborne mindbender.

Grab paver, Curls 10x IC, Skull Crushers 10x IC, Overhead Press 10x IC, Bentover row 10x IC, Squat 10x IC.

Grab bricks, hold straight out in front of you &  'Frankenstein" / Toy Soldier walk (tapping toe to brick) to other speed bump.  

Arm lift merkins w/ bricks 10x IC.

Hold bricks straight out & alternatign lunge walk back to original speed bump.

Put 'em up and head back to Green for Mary.

Das Boot lead us through Jane Fondas 15x IC each side and a nice 30x IC low flutter to finish.  


Great job men!  I am humbled by the opportunity to lead such an encouraging and determined group and I am continually impressed by the energy, strength and resilency of our PAX!