Partner up and Run

Event Date

Dec 04, 2017


December 4, 2017

ELHS Mustang


Q: Sonar

PAX: Abrams, Bertha, Clark, Diesel, Hefty, P-Funk, Spork


8 fine men put in the work in the chilly, but bright, gloom (?)  Here's how it went:

Warm Up:

•        Stretch R over L, L over R

•        20     IC      Side Straddle Hops (Clark present)

•        20     IC      Mountain Climbers

•        10     IC      Cotton Pickers

•        10     IC      Merkins


The Thang:

•        Mosey to track … the looooong way around


o   Mosey around the parking lot by the tennis courts, across the top and down to the benches by the flag pole.

o   20 dips OYO

o   20 step-ups OYO

o   Mosey around the school to the short wall by the buses

o   20 IC wall kicks

o   10 IC decline merkins

o   Mosey around to the loading dock, split into 2 groups of 4

o   Group A does 5 dock jumps each leg

o   Group B does wall sits with air presses

o   Swap and repeat

o   Mosey to the down-under bars

o   15 down unders – palms out

o   15 down unders – palms in

o   Partner up, size does not matter

o   Partner A begins to bear crawl toward the launchpad

o   Partner B runs to the steps at the launch pad and runs back to meet Partner A

o   Once Partner B reaches Partner A, switch places

o   Continue doing this until both partners reach the steps

(I told you it was the long way around…)


o   Grab your water, mosey to the concrete bleachers o Bleacher hops up with ‘Burp & Merk’ Pyramid down (one burpee on each step down – adding one merkin to each burpee at each step til 7 at the bottom) Overachievers do burpees until the six is done.

o   Repeato except start with 7 merkins per burpee at the top and decrease on the way down.

o   Mosey to the start line by the track entrance

o   9 minutes left to Mary…what to do?  It’s Monday, we run! o Mosey the turns – runs the straights – for 9 minutes


•        20     IC      LBCs

•        10     IC      Peter Parker

•        10     IC      Dr Ws




Proverbs 3

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.


It’s been a tough time this past week or so for many people in our group or close to our group and there was some stimulating conversation on Slack regarding how difficult it can be, sometimes, to try to understand why things happen the way they do in life.  

C# and SchoolBus, among others, posted some insightful thoughts (some thoughts a little longer than others… #BrainFeelsBetterNow )

Lightbulb posted a comment that really stuck with me after he posted it.  I re-post it here (without permission):

•        “Recently it’s struck me that many people mistake “hope” for “faith”. Anytime someone is looking for a particular outcome, it’s hope. Faith stands alone and never attaches to an outcome.  It’s OK to hope for good health, or hope for a safe drive home from work, but neither have anything to do with your faith.”


Wow. Something so blatantly correct had escaped me for my entire life.  It’s not that the thought behind it was foreign to me – it had just never been laid out for me that succinctly and upside-the-head.  Thank you, LightBulb, for giving me something to really think about and to work on this week.


•        Prayers for Hefty as he begins his road to recovery following surgery tomorrow.  You know you best be calling on us if you need anything, brother!

•        Nice turnout on a nice, chilly but bright morning with another ‘supermoon’ (not that kind, Clark)

•        Lots of mumble-chatter this morning – feel free to pipe in with thoughts from this morning

•        I don’t think I’m ever going to understand how I can detest and resist rolling out of the fartsack so much before the workout and yet feel so awesome about doing so afterwards.  You’d think my brain would wake up pumped because I know how I’m going to feel later, but alas…

•        As always…let me stop for a minute and emphasize this because I feel like it’s become something I just write in each backblast but that’s not all it isIt is TRULY an HONOR to be allowed to lead and it is genuine PRIVILEGE just to be part of this thing we call F3.

•        #GiveItAwayGentlemen!