19 men decided to honor their commitment…one did not.  Those men were treated to the best workout in Race City on this wonderful saturday.  Here is their story:


Several men have already started training for BRR and put together about 4 miles of some hill work because thats what hill people do.  2 others are rucking…for some reason.


Lets go!

Mosey to one of the many gravel parking lots / baseball fields for a warmorama:

SSH x several

Cotton Picker x a dozen or so

IST x less than a dozen

to the first base line –

a few minutes of butt kickers, high knees, side shuffles and power skips to loosen up.

Mosey to the pull up bars

Partner 1 do 10 pullups

Parter 2 run to the steps and bunny hop up (you're welcome burnsy)

Repeato with knee ups and bear crawls; and again with chin ups and crab walks

plank it out and wait for mini me……..

give up waiting for mini me and continue on.

Mosey to the hill beside one of the gravel parking lot / baseball fields

Partner 1 merkins amrap

Partner 2 run to the top

repeato until 100 merkins are met.

Repeato with peoples chair for 5 trips up each

Find a new partner with equal size and assume the position for prisoner squats x 10

flap jack

and repeato

Mosey to a playground

Partner 1 dips

Partner 2 quadrifilia up another hill

repeato until i felt it was sufficient.

Mosey to the lower parking lot with big spaces (one can only assume for boats)

Here i had some clydesdales attempt the calypso aka hashtag merkin.  The clydesdales failed.

So we did partner plank merkins x 10 and repeato

then handstand partner presses x 10 and repeato

Then we mosey down to the water and go to the dock.

Tunnel of love towards the water.

For some reason (it was not directed by YHC) guys started jumping in the lake.

In fact I believe every single person jumped in the lake except one.  And that "mans" name is Pierogi.  But, Mini Me, at least he showed up.

Then we did some low flutters and high flutters and pretended to care about abs.

Naked man (literally chief gets naked after a workout) moleskin

I'm not sure I was invited, but when I reached out to Rent a cop to see if I could take the Q he said absolutly.  That was in December.  I cancelled several times for one reason or another (i know one was the roast) and he still welcomed me back.  Thanks rentacop, you are a gentleman.  #tentsale

I appreciate my shadow Q, Manhands following me around.  But next time no touching.

Does anybody know when Lear was born?

Big Mean, i enjoyed the convo during the standards and the redicule during the beatdown.  I can always count on you.

Pierogi, last week was scary quiet.  Welcome back.

Crack, when three or more men gather in Race City, there better be a hot tub.

I learned to not go looking for London Whale and to not care if Lear decides to go fishing rather than finish the workout.  #hillpeople

Ticktock/Tailhook, nice watch

Calypso, thanks for the ride, my eyelids have finally closed.

The Senator, despite what Man Hands says, I don't hate old people.  I am just not a fan of their smell.  No offense.

The mumblechatter was both disruptive and unique.  I have never felt so appreciated yet objectified as I have to day.  Kudos to you hill people, you really know how to make someone feel welcome….to leave.

In all seriousness, I appreciate the strong bond of the Pax in Race City and I never leave a workout with you guys where I don't feel you grasp the power in this gift of F3.  Thank you guys for letting me lead you this morning and thanks to Black Eyed Pea for inviting me out to my first F3 workout.  I challenge you all to be that guy for somebody.  Share this gift, because somebody is praying for it right now.
