Partner Work at The Cauldron

Event Date

Oct 14, 2016

PAX of 5 today at The Cauldron did some team exercises and kept the running to a minimum, as promised.  To the best of my memory, it went down like this:

0500: Stray and YHC for a nice 2.16 mile #RunStandard.  We ran past the Odyssey launch and I shamelessly asked if anyone was interested in lifting kettle bells.  Shockingly, there were no takers but the Odyssey crew did run past us at one point later.  Nice work.

0530: Mosey around the parking lot, mixing in high knees, butt kickers, long striders, and Quadraphilia. Circle up at the bottom of the parking lot.

Quick disclaimer.



  • SSH x 15 IC
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Soybean farmers x 15 IC
  • Slow Deep Squats x 15 IC


  • Little baby arm circles (LBAC) forward x 15 IC (and keep arms at 90 degrees until told otherwise)
  • Overhead claps x 15 IC
  • Dirty Bird x 15 IC (downward claps)
  • Air presses x 15 IC
  • LBAC backwards x 15 IC, arms down

The Thing:

We had an odd number of PAX, so altogether we did:

  • KB overhead press x 25 OYO
  • Hold KB Zamporini style above head for 20 count
  • KB overhead press x 25 OYO

We gave everyone an upper body "break" with:

  • Slow deep squats with KB x 15 IC

Then more upper body work:

  • Skull crushers x 25 OYO
  • Hold KB in flexed skull crusher position for 20 count
  • Skull crushers x 15 OYO (an audible that I felt guilty about later…)


  • Slow deep squats with KB x 15 IC


  • Full curls x 25 OYO
  • Hold KB in flexed curl position for 20 count
  • Full curls x 25 OYO

Then we split into 2 teams for:

  • Team 1 (3 PAX) did Mericans AMRAP
  • Team 2 (2 PAX) farmers carried 2 KBs to the top of the parking lot and back
  • Flip flop and repeato until Team 1 did 300 Mericans and Team 2 did 200.
  • Team 1 did LBCs AMRAP
  • Team 2 farmers carried 2 KBs
  • Flip flop and repeato until Team 1 did 300 LBCs and Team 2 did 200.
  • Team 1 did Jump Squats to 100
  • Team 2 farmers carried 2 KBs
  • Flip flop while Team 2 did 67 jump squats

We ran a lap around the parking lot to get our heart rates up.  Then we circled up for Mary:

  • Skull crushers x 5 IC (no longer feeling guilty!)
  • 30 second elbow plank, followed by Shoulder Touch Mericans x 10 IC
  • Mason Twist x 15 IC (courtesy of Stray)
  • Box Cutters x 15 IC (Gang Green)
  • JLOs x 15 IC (Amen)
  • Ws x 15 IC (Spare)
  • Low Flutter with KB overhead x 15 IC

Recover, recover.


  1. Prayers for a friend of Spare whose mother in law recently passed away.
  2. Prayers for our friends doing Bourbon Chase this weekend.
  3. Gang Green is leaving for a vacation and said his M will have to drive because of sore shoulders. It's worse if you happen to be a scrawny guy like YHC who hadn't done a bootcamp in over a week!  Strong work buddy.
  4. Amen looked as fast as Ezekiel Elliott on our lap today!  As a fellow Cowboys fan, I concur you and he both have an extra gear.
  5. Thanks for the 2nd F today Stray, I needed it.  And your EHing is on point, pretty sure IKEA at least thought about joining us.
  6. Thank you for the opportunity to lead today Spare.  I always appreciate your discussion starters on various social media, as a way to keep positive ideas and vibes going.  God knows we'll all need that for the next 3-4 weeks.

Have a great weekend gentlemen,
