Partnership at The Cauldron

Disclaimer (no pax were listening)


1 level up, stop for SSHs

1 level up, stop for ISTs

1 level down, stop for Long Snappers (on the line of the fierce storm near the top of the open deck)

Through the magic door and down the steps to the bottom

Back to the launch:  Partner up! Start the partner portion of the workout with Squat with Crescent Kicks


The Thang:

Partner Bear Crawl to the next level (both of you do it, or alternate – whatever you and your partner can do, as long as one of you is doing it)

Partner Crawl Bear back down (same rules)

Kettle Bell Dora: 

Partner 1:  Start 100 Full Curls – go til fail, flapjack

Partner 2:  Plank

Partner 1:  Start 100 Skull Crushers – go til fail, flapjack

Partner 2:  Plank


Break:  Run up the deck, down the steps


Repeato the Curls but Partner 2 Glute Bridge Hold

Repeato the Skull Crushers/Glute Bridge Hold


Repeato the break but in reverse (up the steps, out the magic door, into the storm, down the deck)


Helping Hand x 10 each arm, flapjack


#50ForFitness Stretching (yes, that’s the Nov exercise)


Partner Plank with jump over burpee x 5 each partner.

Partner and KB Carry, flip half way.


Partner Wheel barrow squats

  • Partner 1 planks while partner 2 holds legs and squats (extra credit for legs on shoulders)
  • 10 x, partner planking calls it



Circle up around the big, long, thick, black… rope.  Don’t touch it, just look at it.

  • Circle plank shoulder to shoulder, right hand on neighbor’s back, left foot on neighbors right calf.  About 30 secs, then switch to left hand, right foot.  That was interesting.
  • Roll-up High 10:  Partner 1 on your six, feet in the air, roll up to give Partner 2 a high-5 with both hands while Partner 2 is in the Squat position.
  • Hand tap Merkins
  • Partner Sit-ups (locked at feet, reach up and high-5
  • Partner Glute thrusts (ok, no)


Today is YHCs and the Ms 27th wedding anniversary, and thus the partnership emphasis.

The “storm” really wasn’t much at all – little sprinkle around the deck mostly.  But most of the pax still managed to get wet.

We got to share the deck with FiA today (2 pax) but no sign of Camp Gladiator – skeered off by the weather, no doubt.

Not sure how hard the workout was – felt like we worked, and on paper it looked pretty awful, but to YHC it didn’t seem too bad as YHC drove to coffeteria or home after.  Perhaps it was just a lot of fun and that was a good distraction.  Lot of pax mumblechatter, but a lot of laughter as well.  Hope you got to know your partner better today.

T-Claps to the M for putting up with me for 27 years, and especially the last 9.5 with me in F3 (enter “9.5” joke here).  She has been a partner beyond anything YHC could have ever dreamt of or hoped for.  27 years later YHC would do it all over again.  YHC, Zare and M.O.D. are so very lucky.

Thanks to Amen for taking us out, lifting up our prayer requests, etc. but especially for calling forward Gnarly Goat, Bel Air and Bob Ross to kneel in the middle of the COT for a special thanks for their service.  Aye.