Passing the Flag

YHC showed up early for some stretching and 2nd F… impressive streak of getting out of the fartsack early, I think that’s 4 workouts in a row before 5:29:52.

18 men moseyed to the Flag for the Pledge and then to the end of parking lot to circle up.

COP (all in cadence unless noted):

Merkins x 21

SSH x 25

Merkins x 10

Cotton Pickers x 10

Windmill x 10

Carolina Dry Docks x 10

IST x 10

Partner leg throw downs with partner x 20 (no cadence)

The Thang:

Mosey to play ground for Partner Murph – team up to complete 100 Pull-ups, 200 Merkins and 300 Squats

Partner A commences while Partner B runs a lap in parking lot, flip flop until completed.

Plank until everyone is finished.

Mosey to the wall

Peoples chair with shoulder press

Balls to the wall

Peoples chair with shoulder press

Partner Up

Partner A – sprint to the gate and back

Partner B – low flutter x 20 in cadence

Flap Jack


Mosey back to the Flag


Homer to Marge into Rosalita

Merkins x 15

Recover, recover…..


The 21 merkin launch was met with skepticism however for those us who get to the workout early, it was welcomed as we already loose…:)

The Merkins at the end were met with the Gnarly Goat seal of approval, however even with the Merkin book ends, we still didn’t reach 200 each (my un-official minimum for a workout), sorry to disappoint.

Great group with plenty of mumble chatter – it is always good when you have the Clown Car, Callahan, Outlaw, Gnarly Goat, etc. on hand as you will likely laugh your way through the workout and this was no exception.

This was also my 3 yr. F3 anniversary, a great group and I am thankful to part of it – Tclaps to M-16 and John Boy for bringing me into the fold.

Welcome to Heisenberg – Callahan vetoed me on explaining the name but then offered to provide insights to Heisenberg in a more intimate setting….it started to turn into a UNC love affair so we moved on quickly….#awkward…..

Given Callahan and Heisenberg's love for UNC, this may be a budding Bro-mance to watch in 2016….hopefully Heisenberg doesn't like the Orioles.

As we mosed to the Flag for Mary, it was fitting that The Geek led the way since he is now the Proud Owner of The General – of course, Shoe speculated that this was an accident…but it was perfectly planned and choreographed (just like this workout)!!

Thanks for showing up and supporting The General.