
Event Date

Apr 18, 2017


Eleven (11) men posted in the gloom to give their all.  Tasty Cake joined but couldn’t be tagged because he's not in the intranet directory.

All exercises were in cadence unless otherwise noted below …

Warm-o-rama: (rest your KB)


15 Mountain Climbers IC

10 Merkins

10 Nymph-mill

The Thang: All Exercises are “KB-assisted” unless otherwise posted

10 Lateral Swings IC

10 Sumo Squat OYO

10 Merkin Row IC

10 Sit & Press IC

10 Something difficult IC


5 Man-maker Burpees


10 Upright Rows IC

10 Curls IC

10 Skull Crushers IC

10 Halos OYO

10 Lawn Mowers

10 Round the World OYO


10 Man-maker Burpees


15 Goblet Squats IC

7 Arnold Press IC each arm

10 Double Lunges OYO

10 Merkins drag IC

15 Contra Swings IC


15 Man-maker Burpees


Mary: All Exercises are “KB-assisted” unless otherwise posted


15 Box-cutters IC

15 Cutter-box IC

20 Mason Twists IC

15 Pillow Talk IC each side



Men – Thank you for the opportunity to lead you in the workout – If you have been thinking about leading a KB workout – Please do! 


This morning Manhands wasn’t feeling the love.  He was accusing YHC of unfriending him on every mode of social media.  The truth is that I welcome the mumblechatter over the pungent smells that normally accompany a manhands.  YHC was pleasantly surprised that manhands kept his hands out of his trousers during this morning's workout! 


Comet, attempting and flying EH, accidentally hollared at a woman, "Free men's workout!" as she walked into the NY Bagel Co.  There is some debate as to whether she was a she or a he.  Only she knows. 


God bless these men.