Patty Cake, Patty Cake Bakers Man…

Event Date

Jul 20, 2016

There was some good livin' cooked up in the Mad Scientist Lab this morning as 8 Pax came out to test their limits, with 3 Pax coming early for a little 5K prep work.  YHC provided the ingredients and checmicals and the Pax mixed them up right…here is how it went down:


Mosey around DPK, circle up in from for all passerby's to see (all IC, except where noted)…

SSH x 20

Cotton Pickers x 15

Windmill x 10

Seal Claps (Crowd Favorite) x 20

Mosey off AO to tennis courts


Partner up – size/speed does not matter.  Partners start in middle of tennis court for patty cake sit-up ladder, then each runs to opposite end of the courts and performs an exercise of same reps then back to the middle for next rung of the ladder, etc. etc…

Ladder Down – Patty Cake Sit-ups + Mericans (25, 20, 15, 10, 5)

Ladder Up – Patty Cake Sit-ups + Carolina Dry Docks (10, 15, 20, 25)

Totals: 220 Reps

Sit-Ups = 145

Mericans = 75

CDD = 70

Mosey to DPK rock pile, grab a non-traveling rock, circle up all IC except where noted

Rock Squats x 10 (rotate 2 left)

Low Curl x 10 (rotate 3 left)

High Curl x 10 (rotate 3 left)

Full Curl x 10 (rotate 2 left)

8-Count Burner x 10

Mosey back to parking deck for Mary


Because I can about the PAX fitness, I decided it was PAX choice for Mary…

LaBon – LBC

Spare – "W"

Snake Eyes – Should Touch Mericans

Vega – Jay Lo (hate these!!)

YHC – Touch them Heels and Plank

Recover, Recover!!


  1. General consensus of the PAX was good change of pace with the partner work out in the tennis court – admittedly, last minute decision by YHC as I always use the parking decks
  2. Nice to meet Vega – a hate hate – and just so happens that our BRR team is looking for another stud runner…message Blackeyedpea our humble captain about the spot
  3. Well it looks like Skywalker likes my Q's since his first workout was my Fallout Q, his second workout (naming) was my Samson Q last week.  Great to see the youngin's getting up that early to better themselves – keep up the strong work
  4. Noted that Scrappy was partnered with Vega and they killed the Patty Cake ladder – good on you men
  5. Thanks Tweetsie and Snake Eyes for keeping me company on the 5K this AM, it is something new that I do wherever I am posting to #getBRRmiles
  6. Finally, thanks Tweetsie for turning over the keys – love the Mad Sci AO and as always, it is my pleasure to lead such fine gentlemen.  I look forward to the next time

Your fitness is my number one priority
