Paula Said Knock You Out?

Today was the day after the Christmas Party.  So approximately 364 days until the next one, it felt like the workout should be a little different this morning.  So YHC consulted the F3 Exicon on the F3 Nation site, and realized there are a lot of exercises that are named after people.  Celebrities, members of the pax, fictional characters, etc.  So, why not pick some that seem not too easy and not too complicated, and plan around them?  Sure — why not…

9 men gathered and chattered (Cousin Eddie ran a standard, and Goat was running from somewhere — maybe a standard?  More on that later).  We circled up for some Imperial Storm Troopers, Toy Soldiers, Don Quixote (windmill), long snapper, and mountain climbers.  Then moseyed to Mt. Zion church.

The Thang

This seemed complicated at the time, but maybe it's not.  The exercises were as follows:

– Jack Webb (American / air press combo)

– Mike Tyson (bear squat / American combo)

– LL Cool J (Lunge, Lunge, Burpee, Jumpsquat)

– Paula Abdul (Stairs — two steps forward, one step back to top)

We did this progressive:  2 each the first round, then 4, 6, 8 – all with a lap of the front of the church between each set

After 8, it seemed like enough.  So Gnarly Goat led some Broga, and we moseyed back to launch for Mary.


Mary consisted of the following:

– J-Lo, followed by the A-Rod

– Homer to Marge w/ one-leg dollys (Primo led)

– Pretzel Crunch, Ab Pulse (kind of like dot the I, but straight up), Touch Them Heels

Recover, Recover


– An honor to have MOTY with us, as he led the broga and prayer portions of the workout; He missed a bit in the middle, however, in search of a place to drop anchor (as they probably say in the Navy) — after a run to Teeter, he came back strong to finish the workout

– Welcome back Primo, and you are off the Kotter list for now; Last post was 8//14, so you are good for another 4 months

– Not as much bitching as I expected, but certainly some grumbles — YHC included.  I do not recommend the LL Cool J's

– Nobody crashed and burned on the stairs, which was stellar!

– Congrats to Cousin Eddie on the new baby; you didn't take much paternity leave

– Excellent coffeeteria after at DD — Bagboy and Moses joined us from other AO's

SYITG – Waffle House