31 men woke up on this frothy february and decided the bed was not the place for them.  Instead they chose the DRP to some sharpen themselves physically, mentally, and spiritually with a Bogey led beatdown.  But he is DR and YHC Q'd instead.  Ah the best laid plans.  Here is their story:

0445: 10 men set out on a 2+mile rucking warmup, it was fun, we found sauce

0530: Grab your bells and follow me

Drop KBs for Warm-o-rama (yes, a warmup, things will be okay)

SSH x 20 (IC)

IST x 20 (IC)

Cotton Picker x 10 (IC)

Run to the hill and back (without Ruck Burnsy)

Grab your KBs

KB Swings AMRAP 30sec

KB Bent Rows AMRAP – 30 sec

KB Goblet Squats AMRAP – 30 sec

KB Shoulder Press AMRAP – 30 sec

KB Swings AMRAP – 30 sec

Partner up:

Partner 1 – Farmer carry KBs to hill and back

Partner 2 – Box Cutters x 30 / Mtn Climbers x 30 repeat until Partner 1 returns


Repeato w/LBCs and low flutters

Carry KBs overhead to baseball diamond

Partner 1 touch all bases in a fast motion

Partner  2 Curl KBs



Repeato with Deadlifts

and 1 more time for good measure.

Return to the lot

KB swings x 10

WWII situps x 20

KB swings x 15

WWII situps x 20 w/KB

KB swings x 20

KB bent rows x 10

KB curls x 20

Sit up PT test – 2 min AMRAP


Many surprises as i arrived in the gloom this am.  We had Friday, Springy & Sweedish Fish this AM.  And Kumquat throwing the KBs around.

Speaking of throwing them around, you better man up if you are going to partner up with Over Budget, he isn't bashful when picking his weight.

Good to see the runner/ruckers out this AM, Smokey, Auto, Lego, & Turnpike tried to make the ruckers look bad on the road to nowhere, but they all still looked cool #rulenumber1

That is except Sauce, he wore red socks.  wow

Bagboy in true bagboy fashion hit 87 situps for the PT test.  Strong work for anybody, especially if you are 53.

As Dallas proved, the numbers today were not because of my alleged texting EHs (thanks for exposing that by the way 2 Scoops) but because men are craving a workout that pushes them.  I hope you got that this AM. 

Next action, step up and take the lead yourself!  Plenty of opportunities to bring it to the Pax!

It was my honor to come lead the men of GCC this AM.  Thanks to Bogey for giving me the reins and leaving the country so no one could ask him to take over mid workout :-).  As always I thank Black Eyed Pea for inviting me to my first F3 workout, it was a life changing day for me and I thank each one of you who has made an impact on me.  That being said, we are called to grow.  Don't be afraid to share this gift, there are men praying for it right now!