Pax Choice…. Or was it?

14 mighty warriors can honestly say that the dragon was slayed today. Below you will find the details of their noble quest.

0500 – Standard Standard – DonHo, Auto, Mr. Holland, Big Montana, Slingshot, and YHC ran a 2 mile standard standard before the next standard.

0520 – Burpee Standard – Jobe led over 10 men in the next standard of the morning. Nothing like doing 50 burpees right before a workout!

0530 – Dragon Slaying Time

YHC allowed this workout to be Pax choice. Sadly, they did not know what they were choosing…

Projected onto the side of the building was the grid below. 

Pax were able to choose from the grid which tile they desired. Behind each tile was a brutal exerise for the group to partake in. Exercises included:

  • 5 Super Slow Single Arm Curls
  • 20 KB Sqauts
  • 20 Single Arm Bent Over Rows (Lawnmowers)
  • 15 KB Russian Twists (American Hammers)
  • 15 KB Skull Crushers
  • 30 KB Around the Worlds
  • 10 KB Dot the I's
  • 20 KB Plank Rows
  • 20 Low FLutter KB Chest Presses
  • 20 Pulls-Ups with Planks After
  • 20 Merican KB Slides
  • 20 Overhead KB Squats
  • 15 Overhead KB Knee Tucks
  • 20 KB Mericans
  • 15 KB Sit-Ups
  • 30 Sqauts with SIngle Arm KB Press
  • 30 KB Swings
  • 20 KB Low Curls
  • 20 KB High Curls
  • 20 KB High/Low Squats
  • 15 Combo #8 Super Sized (made up exercise with squats, curls, presses, and skull crushers)
  • 20 Single Arm KB Curl
  • 10 KB Front Raise Holds
  • 30 KB Lunges
  • 20 KB Chest Presses
  • 20 KB Full Curls
  • 20 KB Lunge Twists
  • 10 KB V-Ups

Each man showed true determination through the grueling workout. Some men had to work a bit harder than others considering the weight of their Kettle Bell.

Uncle Rico swapped KBs with YHC, and YHC quickly realized he is not as manly as Uncle Rico (that man is a beast).

DonHo doesn't do a pull-up, he's so strong he pulls the bar down. CherryBomb will oversee the F3 Maintenance Department's swift repair of the pull-up bars at GCC. 

CherryBomb outfitted himself with a hefty KB, but YHC did't hear him complain once. 

Auto always looks out for his fellow pax and is always faithful to a good standard.

Honey Suckle Blue has the encouragement you always need, and he never broadcasts it to bring attention to himself.

Big Montana has been killing it this week with a Q, FKT, and now Dragon Slayer!

Turncoat is the smartest and most dangerous man around. Never mess around with one of his logos…

Jobe is still faithful to F3 even after new baby daughter #4 came into the world recently. YHC is still honored that Jobe allowed his daughter to share a birthday with YHC. Speaking of birthdays, his is tomorrow! Wish him a happy birthday at his Q at Emmaus!

Swing State never sheds a single drop of sweat. When YHC grows up, he wants to be just like him.

Enron pushes it hard to the end. And if you ever need to get into meanignful deep conversations, run with him!

Sling Shot proved today he is swift and strong. Always faithful to the standard and always faithful to his fellow brothers. 

Mr. Holland is faithful to running and his fellow brothers too, but he's even more faithful to those 50 burpees each day!

Popcorn is so genuine, it's no wonder he's the top salesman in him company. He can make you buy into anything he wants. If it weren't for him, YHC wouldn't have bought into F3. Thank you sir!

Thank you again for all the men that came out today and supported YHC's VQ 2.0. It's a great honor being able to start my day with each of you. Thank you, CherryBomb, for the opportunity to lead.

Until the next dragon must be slayed,

Tugs (#TwitterlessTugs)